Like a lot of new entrepreneurs, you might have your sights set on the ecommerce arena. Dozens of companies have now made it easy for anyone to set up an online store and start selling their products. Although it may be easy to start up, making an ecommerce site work for you is a little more tough. I’m sure you want to be successful, so here are some basic considerations for any ecommerce store.

First of all, guest checkouts. In all likelihood, you’re going to want your customers to create an account on your ecommerce site. For starters, this gives you a platform for follow-up communications. You’ll also get valuable insights into the demographic information of your customer base. Remember though that most of your customers won’t care about this. By and large, their main concern will be ordering a product quickly and easily. This means they may not want to go through the hassle of creating an account on your site. It’s a good idea to include at least one guest checkout like PayPal-enabled shopping carts. You may not be able to spy on everyone, but you’ll certainly get more conversions!

Responsive design is another important thing to factor into any ecommerce store. More and more consumers are using mobile devices as their primary way of browsing the internet. However, there are still entrepreneurs who leave their websites unresponsive. This leads to their customers seeing everything through a clumsy, disorganised filter. You could have some gorgeous animations on your site and choose the best Shopify themes. However, it could all be for nothing if you don’t make sure your site is responsive. You can do this either through a professional designer, or some cheaper tools which may be offered by your host. However you do it, aim for a point where you can pick up any kind of device and see your website exactly as it should be.

Finally, security. While I wouldn’t call this the most important part of your ecommerce site, it’s certainly up there. One of the main things which turns people off of ecommerce start-ups is their reputation for poor security. Make sure your site is one that breaks the stereotype! You need to make sure it supports SSL. This is a universal security system which encrypts all the sensitive information your customers might enter on your site. You can take further steps by subscribing to other systems, and making your admin directories hard to find for hackers. If people start buying from your website, and immediately start receiving all kinds of spam and viruses, then you won’t get far. Remember that customers are what keeps a company going. For this reason, you need to do everything you can to make sure their personal info is well protected. Ecommerce Times has a really helpful feature you could check out.

Save this post, and keep it to hand when you’re setting up your ecommerce store. There’s a lot more to success, but these three considerations will make your site attractive and accessible.

Bert Martinez
Bert Martinez

Bert Martinez is a Direct Response Marketing and Sales Jedi. He's worked with companies like Google and Chase, as well as over 1000 small businesses to solve their marketing challenges. Bert helps businesses uncover lost and hidden opportunities that could be worth millions. He's known for creating growth strategies for businesses in a single session.