Kicking you own Ass. It’s one of my favorite scenes from a Jim Carey movie call Liar, Liar. Here’s the lesson  If your harder on yourself, if you demand more from yourself than what is expected life becomes easier. Sales people are always asking me, “Bert, how do I motivate myself?  How do I stay positive Bert?”  Here’s the secret.  How you feel is more important than what you know. Put it simply, your emotions lead to your belief system, your belief system lead to actions and your actions lead to results – good or bad.  The better you manage your emotions, the more positive your results will be.  Good or bad day?  That’s  completely programmable.

Emotions are skills. Your emotions will drive your attitude and if you have the right emotional skills, you’ll act instead of think, develop a emotional skills.

Bert Martinez
Bert Martinez

Bert Martinez is a Direct Response Marketing and Sales Jedi. He's worked with companies like Google and Chase, as well as over 1000 small businesses to solve their marketing challenges. Bert helps businesses uncover lost and hidden opportunities that could be worth millions. He's known for creating growth strategies for businesses in a single session.

    1 Response to "Kicking Your Butt"

    • First-Time Owners Find Management Comes With Headaches | Bert Martinez

      […] “You feel terrible,” says Sandy Sabean, co-owner of Womenkind LLC, a New York marketing-communications firm with five employees. Last year, she says, she laid off two workers for the first time after the company lost a bid. “When you have to let someone out on the street under those circumstances it’s hard,” she says. “It’s sad.” […]

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