People Buy from Those They Know, Like and Trust, and The More People Who Know You, Like You and Trust You, the More You Will Sell!

Today I’m gonna talk about the second factor of the KLT Principle-whether or not people like you! Because, if a whole bunch of people know you, but most of them don’t like you, all that “knowing you” isn’t likely to help your business much, is it?

What does “like” mean, though? Does it mean that everyone in your database wants to hear from you every week and would include you on the invitation list to their next dinner party? Not really. Does it mean that they’re so passionate about your business that they’re constantly singing your praises to anyone who will listen? Probably not.

No, it’s simpler and less high-maintenance than that. To have a database full of people who “like” you simply means that the people who know you smile when they hear from you. Whether they’ve heard from you personally (as in a phone call, personal email, birthday card or Facebook comment) or by receiving your latest mass-marketing piece, they see your name or hear your voice and think to themselves, “Wow, my day is a little brighter now!”

Inspiring that reaction really isn’t hard. It doesn’t take a bunch of money or a bunch of time or a bunch of energy. In fact, we might say that it’s as much about what you don’t do in your relationship-building/staying-in-touch efforts as it is about what you do do!

If you’re a generally likeable person (which I’m sure you are!), just be yourself when communicating with the people you know and strive to communicate on a reasonably regular basis. Don’t put on your  SALES person face when you reach out; put on yourself. Don’t do things in the name of self-promotion that would inspire any reaction from others than “Wow, my day is a little brighter now!” So, for example, if it would irritate you to be called once a month by a friend or acquaintance and reminded of their passion for referrals, don’t do that to your contacts. If you would roll your eyes at suddenly being on the receiving end of a barrage of marketing  emails, don’t do that. If you dislike being asked to sponsor or donate or contribute to causes you’ve never heard of, don’t do that to your contacts. If you’re tired of receiving mass-forwarded jokes and videos and slideshows, don’t do that to your contacts.

I could go on all day, but I think you get the point. Just don’t do anything that, if done to you, would make you roll your eyes and be even a little irritated with the person doing it. Because when people are rolling their eyes when they hear from you, they probably aren’t thinking how much they like you!

Get what I mean?

Bert Martinez
Bert Martinez

Bert Martinez is a Direct Response Marketing and Sales Jedi. He's worked with companies like Google and Chase, as well as over 1000 small businesses to solve their marketing challenges. Bert helps businesses uncover lost and hidden opportunities that could be worth millions. He's known for creating growth strategies for businesses in a single session.