Neuro Marketing – Everything we buy has an Emotion Reason
Everything we buy has an emotional explanation. When we buy something, our subconscious level is as active as our conscious one, because deep inside, everyone feels the need to fulfill certain human needs. The easiest of which is avoiding fear/pain/boredom or to gain excitement/pleasure/certainty.
The majority of us, when we buy something, are trying to fill an emotional void. We are attempting to get closer to happiness and to a life free of problems. This is why we buy what we want as much as, or even more than, what we need, to get rid of the pain or to feel happy. There may be exceptions to this — it’s doubtful that you feel an emotional connection to your laundry detergent or toilet paper — but any items that require a decision-making process definitely fall into the “emotional connection” category.
Below we discuss the 6 basic human needs that control the pleasure/pain buttons. Our advice as marketing/business experts is that when you are trying to sell a product or service, link it to one of these, and you will get the person to connect emotionally with your offering.
1. First necessity: Certainty
If you can prove to people that your product or service will bring certainty to their lives, they will buy it. It can be the certainty of love, security, health, self-respect, financial freedom, or peace, you name it, just know your potential clients’ desires.
2. Second necessity: Variety
While there is a small group of folks that we would classify as “creatures of habit,” most people need variety to feel alive. The same, over and over again, bores them. We travel, read, meet people, and try new foods, among other things, in search for variety. Some people hate routine, so present your product or service as a routine breaker.
3. Third necessity: Significance
Significance is a great buying motivator; however, this word has a very subjective meaning. People have different views and experiences in regards to what is significant for them. You have to clearly identify what matters to your potential clients in order to present the significance your product or service may have for them.
4. Fourth necessity: Connection
Connection is vital in a person’s life. We have the need to feel deeply connected to our family, friends, community, society, and country. How can your product or service enhance that connection?
5. Fifth necessity: Growth
Life is about growth. People need to grow every day in order to feel alive, successful and prosperous. One can grow emotionally, professionally, spiritually, financially, etc. If your product or service supports a person’s growth in any area, there is a big chance they will buy it.
6. Sixth necessity: Contribution
Everyone has a purpose in life. Everyone was born to fulfill a mission, and this is why everyone needs to know that his or her life matters. Human beings have the need to make a difference and to contribute to the wellness of the world in some way.
Your product or service will connect deeply with your customers if it offers them an opportunity to tap into their emotions.
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