Everybody knows that in order to make money online you need to get your ideal visitors to your site. More targeted traffic to your offer means more money into your bank account, and the best kind of traffic is the free kind that you can get when your site is on the first page of  Google, Yahoo or Bing.
All the big SEO experts and the big SEO companies are telling you that getting on the first page on Google is hard, it takes a lot of work and a huge amount of time, and even so you might not see the results you want. Are all these just lies in order to get you to forget about trying yourself to get in top positions of Google and just buy their services so they make money from you?
Optimizing your site and getting a high ranking is like anything else, it takes time and dedication, follow these steps below. Keep in mind that a for good ranking, you’ll need:
– a good domain name or names
– great, unique content on your page
– SEO done right for your site
– links from other sites pointing to your pages.
– Do something people want to talk about!
Google is the equivalent of your community’s gossip queen: it knows what everyone is talking about, and it’s itching to tell you. Give it the right words (like “dog-friendly hotel in Zimbabwe“), and it will spit out the most relevant thing that people are linking to all over the web.
But getting onto the first page of Google involves what Seth Godin would call getting through a Dip. People who find themselves on the first page — especially the top results — reap benefits that are entirely disproportional to others showing up in the search results.
These benefits are why it’s tough to get there: you’ve got to pay your dues, remaining in relative obscurity until the cascade of give-a-damns starts to roll in.
If you’re not on the first page of Google yet, ask yourself why. More importantly, figure out why people would want to talk about you. And give it to them. Now. I’ll give you a money-back guarantee that you’ll see impressive results within a month or two.
Google was one of the first social sites (in fact, it’s the earliest prototype of “Web 3.0″ or “people-based filtering” we can think of), and it continues to play the lead role in The Days Of Our Web. Marketers everywhere are going bananas trying to develop a social media strategy, badgering people while they’re otherwise occupied on Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter and the like… but they keep ignoring the most important question of all:
What’s your Google strategy? How will you make sure you’re first in line when people want to hear about you?

(Here’s a hint: Adwords aren’t going to cut it.)

So it might take you a bit more time to do all this, but if you choose your niche carefully you could obtain a page one ranking in less than a month or two. And I’m telling you this from our own experience.

Bert Martinez
Bert Martinez

Bert Martinez is a Direct Response Marketing and Sales Jedi. He's worked with companies like Google and Chase, as well as over 1000 small businesses to solve their marketing challenges. Bert helps businesses uncover lost and hidden opportunities that could be worth millions. He's known for creating growth strategies for businesses in a single session.