Employees are the backbone of any successful company, chugging along day after day to keep the ball rolling. With great workers like this, it’s good to show them just how much you appreciate them every now and again—beyond paying their salary, that is. But how can you do so? This doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or anything complicated, as even the smallest ones can go a long way. Here are some simple ways you can convey appreciation for your employees.

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Dinner’s on You

Who doesn’t like food?

It’s an easy way to a person’s heart, which is why you should take full advantage of it. You can go about this in a couple of ways, depending on the size of your staff. If you have a smaller group of workers, you might be able to take them all out for lunch or schedule a time for all of you to go out for a nice dinner—on you, of course. An alternative, which might be preferable if you have a particularly large company, would be to simply order food for the office. Something that can be distributed easily would be ideal, such as several pizzas or a buffet-style meal. You could even do something as easy as grabbing a few boxes of donuts on your way to work in the morning.

When it comes to free food, you can’t really go wrong.

Use Your Words

It doesn’t get much easier than pulling an employee aside and telling them quite simply that you appreciate them and the good work they’ve been doing. Yes, it’s really that easy! It’s quick, it’s simple, it’s free, and most importantly, it’s sincere. While buying lunch or handing out a little extra vacation time is nice, you can show them just how much you take note of the work they’re doing by calling them into the office and telling them. This will no doubt motivate them to continue working hard and giving the job the best they’ve got. This level of communication is good groundwork for future promotion or pay raise, which they will definitely appreciate in turn.

Extra Vacation Time

What better way to express your gratitude than by telling an employee not to work?

Rewarding your workers with additional vacation time is both a motivator and a useful way to say thanks for all the hard work they’ve been doing. This doesn’t mean you have to give them the month off, but giving them an extra day’s worth of vacation time, which they can use however they please, will leave them positively ecstatic. On a smaller scale, you could even decide to close the office early on a random Friday, tell them they can take the rest of the day off to go home and spend time with their families, go to the park, or wherever else floats their boat.

When used sparingly, this can serve as a welcome surprise for all employees.

Company Outings

It’s time to get out of the office for a night on the town.

Company outings don’t happen very often, but they are an excellent way to reward your employees while giving them the chance to recharge their batteries for the next week of work. This doesn’t even have to be anything over the top expensive, like a long range shooting range or a trip to the Caribbean, as even local activities can be fun. Things like renting out a bar, having a karaoke night, riding go-karts, a day at the beach, or going to a local theme park are all viable company outing ideas. This also acts as a team-building exercise for everyone involved!

Remember Birthdays

Happy birthday to . . . everyone?

Remembering your employees’ birthdays can go a long way in terms of making them feel like you really care about them. Does this mean you have to memorize each of their exact dates of birth and throw each of them their own personalized parties? Of course not. That would be very time-consuming and nearly impossible to organize, but marking their birthdays down on the calendar when they are employed and setting reminders is an easy way to remember. Then all it takes is giving them a shoutout during morning meetings or some similar environment. If you wanted to go the extra mile, you could even get them their very own birthday cupcake.

Sure, it’s not a full cake, but you’ve got a lot of employees, and this isn’t a bakery!

A Small Thanks Goes a Long Way

Showing appreciation for your employees is an easy way to keep them happy and motivated, and even the smallest indication of gratitude can go a long way in terms of leaving a lasting impression. Whether it’s ordering lunch for the whole office, going on a team outing, or even just telling somebody “thank you,” there’s no shortage of ways to express your appreciation for your team.


Leona Zoey
Leona Zoey

Leona Zoey is a freelance writer, she focuses on tech, business and marketing.