Anni Keffer is a nationally recognized educator, speaker, author, and entrepreneur who is passionate about youth leadership. She has been featured in many publications and media outlets including: CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX . Anni is the founder of the Young Women of Influence Conference and is a co-author of Girls Lead. Her new book is Leadership Built On Why: A Guide for Young Adults.
You are so candid about your own story in this book — can you talk about your struggle?
Is anyone ever too young to be a leader?
Why did you write the book?
Can you talk about the #metoo and the #neveragain movements?
So many adults argue these young adults don’t have the experience or authority to push policy, your thoughts?
Can you give some other instances of young people finding their purpose early?
Can you lead us through the journey of discovering our “why”?
How can this book help empower young women?
How you deal with fear?
What’s a personal self-talk, mantra, affirmation or self-belief that contributes to your success?
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