Advantages of a Turnaround Professional

A turnaround specialist enters a company with a fresh eye and complete objectivity. This professional can spot problems that may not be visible to company insiders and implement solutions.

Turnaround managers has 1 agenda your company’s well being. Since we have no political agenda or other obligations to bias the decision-making process, allowing us to make sometimes unpopular, yet necessary, steps required for a your company’s survival.

A turnaround manager’s experience within a particular industry is less important than experience in crisis situations when a company is facing bankruptcy or the loss of millions of dollars in revenue. Like an emergency room doctor, a turnaround professional must make critical decisions quickly to staunch the financial bleeding and give a patient the best chance for recovery.

Operating in the eye of the storm, a turnaround specialist must deal equitably with angry creditors, frightened employees, wary customers, and a nervous board of directors. Clearly this is no assignment for the faint-hearted.

Bert Martinez
Bert Martinez

Bert Martinez is a Direct Response Marketing and Sales Jedi. He's worked with companies like Google and Chase, as well as over 1000 small businesses to solve their marketing challenges. Bert helps businesses uncover lost and hidden opportunities that could be worth millions. He's known for creating growth strategies for businesses in a single session.

    1 Response to "Turnaround Professional"

    • Symptoms of a Troubled Business | Bert Martinez

      […] bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. The last stage is when most corporations hire turnaround professionals, unless they are forced to do so earlier by a lender, equity sponsor, or bankruptcy […]

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