The Lies of Scarcity
Would you have a problem with being wealthy? Most people would probably answer, “Of course not.”
But through research and many years of experience with consulting and mentoring individuals all around the world, my friend Joe Vitale (you may have met Joe via his many books or the movie The Secret) has discovered that most people actually are averse to the idea of obtaining money or wealth.
Joe really knows what he’s talking about too, he was homeless and for many years he lived in poverty. Him and his wife lived in a one room rental. Each night they would inflate their biggest piece of furniture . . . their air mattress.
Sounds strange, but it’s true. For some people there is something holding them back from achieving great wealth, health, or having a real relationship in their lives. Please, don’t be one of those people!
You can have better, it’s really simple but I’m not saying it’s easy. So are you ready to make a jump to better or even good?! Are you ready to break through the barriers that have held you back?
Here’s the secret. It’s your self talk, it’s that constant bombardment of negative commercials that you constantly say to yourself: I’m afraid, I won’t even try, I won’t succeed, I’ll be rejected, I’m too fat, I don’t deserve, etc.
Until you change these messages, very little in your life will change. You can spend millions on seminars and self-help products with little improvement. You must commit to changing your commercials, your self-talk!
Next week I will reveal the way I made millions of dollars by changing my self talk of 6 people. And the best part is . . . it will work for you too.
You Were Created To Succeed!
PS – Here are some resources that have helped me and millions of others really change their self talk.