Investing in stocks is one of the most effective ways to grow your money and become financially free. The key is getting started early and investing consistently over the years. You’ll have to acquire the required knowledge and experience to succeed in investing and reduce expensive mistakes.
As a beginner, it’s better to trade in well-established and world-famous companies. Such are less affected by daily news and politics. Some of the companies include:
- Saudi Aramco at $2458 B
- Apple at $2458 B
- Microsoft at $ 1653 B
- Amazon at $1596 B
- Delta at $ 1435 B
- Alphabet at $ 1203 B
- Tesla at $834 B
- Facebook at $ 757 B
- Tencent at $ 738 B
- Alibaba Group at $ 620 B
Another excellent idea is to invest in companies that lead in their industries. These tend to have a solid foundation and more transparent dealings. Examples include:
- Standard and Poor’s 500
- FTSE 100
- Dow Jones
- Dax
- Nasdaq 100
- Bovespa
Investments in Index ETFs such as bonds, currencies, commodities, and diversified investments like low-cost mutual funds are great ways to invest in stocks. You’ll enjoy the roof of diversification and lower risk levels.
When you’re just starting, it’s advisable to go for low-risk investments then diversify to high-risk securities once you’ve gained experience and skill.
You may trade Real Shares on the R Trader platform for as little as $0.0045 each and a fee of $0.25, making it an ideal way to get started with stock trading. The demo account is a fantastic way to start gaining the necessary experience. To learn more about investing in stocks for a beginner, check the infographic below:
Infographic Design By RoboMarkets