Your business website is the greatest tool that you have for increasing exposure of the products and services that you offer. However, it is more than a digital brochure. It is a tool that can be used to alert potential customers of the business’s existence and convert them into consumers. For this journey to happen, you need to optimize the website for search engine algorithms; it is not enough to leave it to chance.

The sheer amount of information that is available can be overwhelming, plus the language used is unfamiliar and the prospect of making an error that detrimentally affects your reputation can be daunting and even intimidating. However, there are some things that you can do yourself to optimize your website. But, if you don’t feel confident, you can always outsource and hire an expert company such as


Keywords are at the core of optimization. They tell the search engine bots what your website page is all about. How do you choose your keywords? Use Google’s Ads Keyword Tool to research which keywords are relevant to the products or services that are on the page. It’s free to use and it will help you identify the words that people are searching for in relation to your business. You can even restrict the geographical area if you are targeting local customers.

However, while you may want to target popular words, you will be fighting for a spot on the search engine results pages, and competition is fierce. Be precise, avoid generic terms, and focus on the niche. You will attract a smaller number of visitors, but they will be more qualified leads in response to the keywords that they have searched for. You can use keywords in:

Title tags

The title tag is the headline that appears on the search engine results page. You need to use your keyword at the beginning of the title tag for optimum effect. Also include your business name.

Meta Description

The meta description is the text that appears below the title tag. Again, use the keyword but ensure that the description also has clear calls to action for the searcher. You need to inspire searchers to click through to the page.


The content of each webpage needs to be unique and target different keywords to increase the opportunity of exposure. Content includes:

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics and images – always add titles and descriptions to introduce keywords
  • How-to guides – provide solutions to real-life problems that visitors may have
  • Industry-related articles
  • Product descriptions – also add the finer details, color, and dimension to further the opportunity to be found through organic search

The temptation is to overuse keywords in your content, but this is a false economy. The search engine will penalize your site. Google Ads gives you the option of searching for related keywords – always investigate other possibilities!

Optimizing your website for organic search is initially time-consuming, but it is a necessary investment. By paying attention to your on-site SEO, you are helping the search engines provide visitors with relevant and valuable information.




Leona Zoey
Leona Zoey

Leona Zoey is a freelance writer, she focuses on tech, business and marketing.