If you are looking to take some time for investment this year, one of the things you could consider spending your time and money on cryptocurrency, and specifically with BitCoin. BitCoin is the most popular type of cryptocurrency in the world and it acts as a virtual currency which can be used to buy and sell items. The currency was first created in the 2000’s and now it is hugely popular throughout the world.
If you are looking to dip your toe into trading cryptocurrency this year, here are some of our top helpful tips.
1. Store your Bitcoin
Before you try to run and trade every piece of currency that you can, you need to learn how to store your currency in the correct way. Of course storing digital currency is different to real money and you cannot simply place it in your wallet or purse for safe keeping. You will need to think about storing it somewhere such as Coinbase which is a handy tool for beginners. This will ensure that your money stays where it needs to be and that you can access it when you need to.
2. Watch the market
As with any type of trading you will need to always keep a careful eye on the market to make sure that you are able to trade at the best possible time and earn as much money as you can from a trade. For example with cryptocurrency you can take a look at a website such as this https://blockchain.intellectsoft.net/blog/cryptocurrency-development-and-types-of-cryptocurrencies/ and it will tell you more about cryptocurrency as well as which ones are the best to invest in. You can look on a site such as trading view each day and this will allow you to keep an eye on the
3. Is it worth investing in Bitcoin mining?
Bitcoin mining is something which has been growing for years and years now and it only seems to get more profitable as the years go on. Bitcoin mining is the actions of looking for cryptographic puzzles and solving them in order to earn more bitcoin. It is something which people from all over the world do each day and it is worth deciding whether you want to get in on the action. Have a look at the current market and see how much time it would take out of your day and this should help you decide what do.
4. Diversify
Bitcoin is a safe option when you want to invest in cryptocurrency and it definitely is something which you will want to start with before you branch out. However this isn’t the only currency out there on the market and you can actually trade with a bunch of other ones easily. Think about looking into what other currencies are out there and spilt your investment between a few different ones. You’ll lower your risk and you can stand to make more money too.
5. Set a target
Whenever you want to trade on the financial market you will want to first sit down and create some goals for you to aim towards. Trading without aim is ok when you start out but after a while you will need to set a goal so that you are able to effectively make profits when you trade your currency.
6. Manage risk
There is always going to be a big risk factor when you decide to trade currency in whatever form, and this is something you need to be able to work around and make concessions for. Risk is a big part of investment and there are ways which you can minimise the risk you have by doing some simple things. For example you can think about adding a stop loss order to all of your bids and this will ensure that if the value ever reaches below a certain level you will be able to switch off the bid without losing anything else.
7. Know it won’t be easy
Trading is not an easy task, and as much as you try to work at it every day you will sometimes get nowhere with your bids. There isn’t a way to avoid this unfortunately and you will need to be prepared for the fact that not everything will be plain sailing. The trick to being able to work on your trades in a successful way is to make sure you know the risk and you have a strong stomach if things don’t go your way.