Serial entrepreneur, business mentor, and best-selling author Allison Maslan has built 10 companies to seven-figure success and beyond. Her new book “Scale or Fail” shows business owners the tangible steps they can take to create their own breakthrough success stories. Allison, tell us a little bit about the SCALEit Method featured in your new book.
1. Besides being an incredibly successful businesswoman, you’re also a trapeze artist; you’ve compared scaling a business to swinging on the flying trapeze. How are the two alike?
2. What is scaling exactly? How can a business owner know that it’s time to scale?
3. You’ve said that “playing it safe isn’t a business strategy.” What do you mean by that?
4. You say hire slowly, fire fast. Why is that advice so important?
5. What are the “Four Super Powers of Business” and how do they come into play as companies grow?
How do you deal with Fear?
What’s a personal self-talk, mantra, affirmation or self-belief that contributes to your success?
Parting a word of advice?
How can my listener find out about you?
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