Many newbies looking to get a website online usually opt for a custom-made solution, primarily because they don’t think there’s another way unless they have extensive web development knowledge. Those times are gone now, and the only reason why anyone would want a custom website is if they’re looking to serve a customer base on a global scale, or if they’re simply wanting to take their business seriously. Newbies are now having an easier time getting a website online not only thanks to new tools, but also because web hosts are playing their part in making the development experience easy. Here’s how they’re doing just that.
Free Marketing Tools
When it comes to marketing, web developer newbies don’t really know where to start. Most of them know social media and online classifieds can play a major role in promoting a website, but they still don’t know how to jump on the bandwagon. Luckily for them, many hosts now work with many advertising platforms like Google AdWords so they can offer free vouchers to those looking to market their new ventures using the Pay Per Click method. Providers like Certa Hosting also provide access to many analytics so webmasters can now see how their content marketing strategies are faring.
Free Website Builders
There are hundreds of free website builders online today, and some tools are now available in your typical control panel like cPanel. Although not all web hosts provide this feature because of the resources such tools require, many of them ensure it’s available for new clients to take advantage of.
Easy to Use Control Panels
The most popular control panel that web hosts partner with to improve the website management experience for their clients is cPanel. However, some web hosts choose to adopt their own control panels or one of the other platforms out there like zPanel. Whatever platform they use, the control panels the web hosts now offer have numerous features to ensure building websites and managing them is much easier for the average newbie.
One-Click Script Installations
Most websites on the web are based on the WordPress CMS (Content Management System) platform these days, so giving newbies the chance to install WordPress within a couple of minutes is a feature that’s well sought-after. Of course, the one-click script installation feature isn’t just for those looking to base their websites on WordPress, it’s also handy for those wanting to create forum communities with phpBB3, or full-scale e-commerce stores with the help of Magento.
Knowledge of Programming Languages
Many web hosts started out as web developers themselves, so they know a thing or two when it comes to getting a website online. Many of them have extensive web development experience, and they’re providing excellent support via various support methods for their newbie clients.
Web hosts still have a lot to do to ensure the web development process is as easy as 123 for newbies, but they’re making vast strides by implementing the above methods and tools, and it’s only a matter of time before things are even easier.