Becoming self-employed is seen as a big risk, but as long as you are confident in your abilities and know how to gain and maintain clients, there’s no reason why lone workers can’t be as successful as a business with hundreds of employees.

Being self-employed is very popular in the United States, so the signs are there that the clients are readily available, you just have to find them. With that in mind, let’s take a look at five ways that self-employed workers can find these clients and draw them into working with you.

Use Social Media for Business, Not Procrastination

It’s easy to set up several social media channels and then let them fall by the wayside. This is a bad idea for self-employed workers, who should be concentrating on using social media for business networking and finding clients. The best course of action is to choose two platforms and do them incredibly well. LinkedIn is highly recommended for self-employed people as it is a social network for businesses and professionals. Start following the right people and make contact with them once in a while. You never know, you could be meeting up for a coffee soon to discuss a project.

Improve Communication Skills

Not every person is silver-tongued and smooth when it comes to communication, but there’s no reason why excellent communication skills can’t be taught and learned and then integrated into the way that self-employed workers seek clients. Learn how to approach clients in a professional and elegant way, devoid of buzzwords, and with confidence.

Be More of a Face Than an Email Address

If you asked the majority of business owners how often they read emails from people asking for work, chances are they will say hardly ever, and that’s if they’re nice. Unless a resume or letter stands out in the email, it is likely to be deleted, skimmed or added to the Junk Inbox. Make yourself known to people by going to networking events, try to set up meetings with business owners and go to speaking events. This is where the people you want to be meeting will be hanging out, and it’s a perfect opportunity for you to mingle, find out what these business owners do, and see if you can be of service for them.

Invest in Training and Self-Improvement

If you are spending eight to ten hours in front of a computer screen every day and not taking advantage of the fact that you can step outside your front door at any time, you are not making the most of self-employment.

This doesn’t mean that you should be spending three hours in the shops and another three in Starbucks. It means that you should be making the most of training opportunities and looking to improve all the time. Do a quick location-based Google search for training courses and events sometimes. You’ll be surprised just how many there are, and many of them are free. You never know, there could be potential clients attending the event, too.

Keep in Touch with Past Clients

Remember that old client who you did one job for, and then nothing really happened afterward? Why not get in contact with them and find out if there is anything you can do for them? At the very least it will open up a dialogue with them again, and they might think of you in the future if they need some work doing. You could also be a little bit cheeky and ask them to recommend you to any other businesses they know who might one day be on the lookout for somebody to do some work for them.

Leona Zoey
Leona Zoey

Leona Zoey is a freelance writer, she focuses on tech, business and marketing.