Operating an eCommerce site can be quite lucrative if you have the right tools. Although products and services are what bring in the money, it’s the features of your online store that dictates actual success. You might have the most amazing items ready to make you millions, but it won’t matter if your cart is lacking functionality. Here are four things your eCommerce site should have if you want to build a successful store.

1. Spam and Virus Protection

Keeping the proverbial viral wolves at bay not only protects you, but it keeps your customers safe as well. It may also play heavily into search engine optimization. The last thing you want to worry about is malware causing havoc in your online store. Because many spam bots and hackers don’t really care about their targets, even the smallest eCommerce site can become a victim. Before you know it, your site could be hosting a “phishing” expedition to reel in your potential customers.

2. Marketing Methods

According to statistics, as many as 17 percent of online business will fail because of poor marketing strategies. Your eCommerce platform needs to provide tools that can be used to attract consumers. After all, how can you expect anyone to buy from your site if they don’t know it’s there? Features like social media buttons, indexable carts and proper XML sitemaps can make a difference when it comes to selling goods online.

3. Customizable Templates

Because there is such a wide berth of competition online, you need a customized site to offer a unique appearance. This can include everything from customizable templates to using external tools such as FrontPage. You also want to pay close attention to mobile responsiveness. Just because a template says “mobile ready” doesn’t mean it looks good on small devices. As mobile commerce is responsible for billions of sales world-wide, this is ultra-important to engage smartphone and tablet users.

4. Various Payment Gateways

Not everyone likes to use the same system when paying for goods. An eCommerce platform that can offer several alternatives doesn’t run the risk of alienating certain customers. For instance, not everyone trusts PayPal. Without an alternate form of payment, you may miss out on those sales.

5. Unlimited Data Transfer

You might not consider just how important data transfer can be to the success of an online business. If you reach a certain amount of bandwidth, you could be charged extra per month by the webhost. Unlimited data transfers allow you to grow your site as large as you want without worrying about such limitations. Whether you process 10 sales per week or 100,000 sales per day, an unlimited plan can make sure you’re not faced with extra fees and costs.

When considering web hosting and design packages, look for those which can fuel the success of your site. Not all platforms are the same, and the glamour of one may not be enough to keep your online store active. In essence, your site will only be as good as the tools you have. Make sure that you have the ones that can boost your success.

Pano Savvidis
Pano Savvidis

Digital marketing expert since 2010. My passions include travelling, swimming and listening to good music.