Marketing should be a huge part of your business, and it should have a budget to match its importance to your long term success. In this age of crowded marketplace, to not put the necessary time and expenditure into your marketing plan is akin to hearing the death knell for your company. However, there are smart ways to go about marketing, ways that won’t end up costing you the earth. Here’s some useful tips to keep your marketing costs to a minimum.
Make the Most of What You Have
Social media has been an absolute godsend to businesses, who are able to reach millions of people –millions of people – for free! You have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest just sitting there waiting for you to upload content. If you’re not putting the time and effort into these platforms then you may as well not exist: they are your bread and butter. Read up on how best to curate your social media profiles on individual sites and make sure you’re getting the maximum return for your efforts.
Cherry Pick Your Events
There’s a million and one things you can get involved in, but take on too much and you risk not being able to really focus on any one event. You’ll also save if you don’t attend everything, especially if you get booth rentals for your show instead of buying a custom design. Choose the event carefully and sink all your energies into that and you’ll notice a higher return than if you attend five!
Have Your Own Blog
Your website is just sitting there, and in the meantime you’re trying to get your name onto other blogs? Why not just set up your own blog and bring people directly to your website? It takes a little bit of time to build up an audience, but if you’re posting quality articles then people will eventually find you. Remember: websites who blog several times a month receive four times as many visitors as they who don’t. And that’s all due to spending an hour each week writing on something interesting!
Referrals, Referrals, Referrals
Not enough companies make the most of referral programs, but they should – they’re a fantastic way to organically grow your brand while also showing customer loyalty. If you have a customer, you want to retain them and get them to spread the word about what you do – not just retain them. For example, if you have a $50 referral program for a $350 service, you’ve paid a small amount of money while also getting people excited about using your service. And who doesn’t want that?
Share The Best
Ultimately, the best way to save money on your marketing bills is to really think about what your marketing approach really is. Don’t try and do everything all at once, just focus on a few specific areas and do them really well. If you put the time into making sure your Facebook and Google business pages are on point, then you’re setting yourself up for success.