Many publishers and promoters spend most of their time finding quality links to their site. For those of you who are already at a loss – we have compiled for you a list of sources and ideas for getting links to your business’ site. Your base should be quality content that gives value to surfers – from there the road is already easier. So let’s start with a few basic things about link building:

  1. Connect with the people in your industry – Go to events and get involved
  2. Do not be ashamed to connect with people from your industry via Facebook, email or any single platform.
  3. Contact them in person, pick up the phone and get to know the relevant people.

Research to find relevant sites on the web

Google the relevant keywords for your site and start marking and writing down for yourself which relevant sites you would like to try and get a link from. Think of complementary areas, for example if you are a site that provides catering services for example, you can contact other sites that provide other sessions for events and get links from them in the word event catering and the like. Look for sites that have a strong social buzz – lots of shares, likes, comments and the like.

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The link should be related to your domain

Your goal should be to find relevant articles on a variety of sites on the web from which you can get relevant links. For example, if someone wrote an article about the prominent sites in your field and you do not appear there, it is worth trying and asking for a link. Try to get a link from a site that can send you a lot of traffic that is relevant to you. Look at an SEO company to get, such as for example.

Get out of the PR complex

Almost all site promoters exchange links based on the PR ranking of each page. Get out of this movie. Also a link from page PR = 0, as long as it is relevant and a site that has traffic may be great for you.

Related Content: What Is SEO And Why Is It Important?

Spying on competitors

There is no shame in this as everyone does it. Go to any tool where you can check inbound links to a site, such as majestic for example, and check what links your competitors are getting. Look at their mix of links, whether they tend to comment on certain blogs or post articles on a particular site – track them. See what they’re doing and how you could adapt certain ideas for your own business.

Diversity is key

One of the most important things in website links is diversity. Google is interested in seeing a diverse link profile that goes into the site. The links should go to different landing pages and not just the home page. In addition, there must be diversity in the anchor text of the link, some of the links should be based on the URL, some should be on blog comments, some indexes, forums, article sites, competitive sites, social networks and more. Be diverse as this will greatly assist you.

Should I get others involved?

Yes! Absolutely, as long as they are relevant to your industry in some way. Here is how you can begin:

Guest Post

A guest post is a great way to increase your branding and also get new and relevant links from a strong site in your field. Do not be ashamed to let quality writers also write on your blog and link to them. As soon as you publish an article on another site, you have a hope that it will do well and that many surfers will be exposed to it. You may also hope that others will like or comment and perhaps even share your link further. This is possible but you need to be actively assisting others to do the same. For example, you may want to try and write even a series of sequel posts on another blog. Constantly look for which sites and blogs will be happy to receive guest posts so that you can share your links.

Be active on social media

If you do a good job on social media, respond to others, share and like, and at the same time upload good content of your own – you will be rewarded back. By the same principle, be active in forums. Ask questions, answer others and occasionally attach your relevant post to help illustrate your answer. Add great photography, campaigns and be active. Show the customers you care and give them something incredible to look at!

If I’m a business serving business – how do I get links from them and other relevant businesses?

It is best to enlist the help of professionals, but in addition to this, you should be aware of a few things to help you on your way.

  1. If you are in a certain good relationship with a certain provider – ask them for a link (unless they have a spammy site). It is legitimate to ask, receive and give.
  2. You have collaborated with other sites – ask for a link
  3. Create a competition between your customers – for example the customer who gets the most shares on the web for a certain page from your site or +1 clicks for example – will win a free month or something like that …or for example every customer or supplier you work with who links from their site to your site will win 10% Discount.
  4. If you do not have a blog – then create one. Many businesses feel more comfortable linking to a blog than a website. The blog also makes it easier to publish personal articles and tutorials designed to teach and share.

You can create the skills you desire but really a professional should be there on hand too. Your business deserves to thrive, so keep a heavy focus on customer service, kindness and generosity and a gratitude for those people who come see you.

Leona Zoey
Leona Zoey

Leona Zoey is a freelance writer, she focuses on tech, business and marketing.