Wendy Glavin is a 30-year veteran of corporate, agency, and consulting. Now, founder and CEO of Wendy Glavin Agency, based in New York City offering marketing, public relations, and social media advisory.

1. Having worked at two global corporations, General Electric and Burson Marsteller, countless agencies in advertising, public relations, consulting, and publishing, and now an agency-owner, what are some key takeaways for our listeners about navigating your career at age 20, 30, 40 and 50-years of age?
2. What do you think are the most important skills people need to have to be valuable to employers, regardless of profession or industry sectors??
3. What are some of the industry sectors you’re excited about working with in 2018?

How do you deal with fear or rejection?
What’s a personal self-talk, mantra, affirmation or self-belief  that contributes to your success?
If you could recommend one book to our listeners, what would it be and why?
How can my listener findout about you?

Yus Rivero
Yus Rivero

Yuscarlin Rivero is the Segment Producer for Money For Lunch.