As an online marketer, you will have several social media campaigns to promote products and improve sales. Ultimately, it will be an uphill task to keep track of all the programs. Therefore, it is vital to have a platform where your clients can monitor their success at once.
A PPC dashboard displays the progress of all your campaigns in one place. This integration can include Google Ads, Instagram Ads, and YouTube Ads. Additionally, you can effortlessly monitor and compare the costs, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
All of the above are key performance indicators for your PPC campaigns. When you monitor these changes in the different KPIs, you can know when to adjust your strategies and content to achieve your client’s goals and meet their expectations.
In addition, a reliable PPC dashboard for marketers needs specific sections. These sections will display the various numbers of campaign outcomes and serve as much-needed insight to keep you within budget and propel your campaign efficiency. These sections include the following:
Naturally, you will have a budget for your PPC campaign, and your spending shouldn’t supersede the projected amount. But, unfortunately, you cannot keep track of all your expenses without a bit of help. Sometimes, you will need to monitor your budget to ensure it is within your limits.
Consequently, your dashboard should display the costs of every campaign and keep you informed on the expenses incurred. Preferably, these costs should reflect each campaign’s budget separately. Such strategies will make it easier for you to compare your fees relative to your budget and avoid overspending.
Moreover, some advertising platforms like Google AdWords might overstep your budget to increase your total clicks. So, it is necessary to keep up with such changes to your expenses and control your overall costs.
Indeed, conversions are significant indicators of a successful campaign. Higher conversions are testimony to many customers’ clicks on your advertisement and completion of the call-to-action. Moreover, your client will appreciate more conversions on your PPC campaigns.
A PPC dashboard displays the number of customers who click on your advertisements, buy the client’s products, and subscribe to a newsletter. These numbers are an early indicator to either change your social media strategies for better performance or waste your investment. After that, however, it is up to you to determine your success depending on your projections and goals.
Cost per Conversion
How much does it cost to get a customer to convert? First, tally these expenses relative to the budget and the total cost of the campaign. Next, assess the number of purchases customers are likely to make to return the investment with profit. After you determine this cost, you can moderate your client’s expectations.
If you cannot make enough sales to compensate for the investment cost, you will end up with a displeased client. Therefore, make adjustments to your marketing strategies or the content of your advert to increase conversions. At the very least, your clients expect a return of the PPC campaign cost and a little profit.
Conversion Rate
The conversion rate seems similar to the cost per conversion, but it is a different metric for measuring your campaign’s success. In reality, this number is a percentage and a better analysis of your campaign’s efficiency in generating conversions.
In simple terms, the conversion rate represents the potential your campaign possesses. As a result, sometimes, you may have high conversion numbers but a low conversion rate. These scenarios reveal the effect your call-to-action has on potential clients. Therefore, you may need to adjust it to increase conversion if your rates are low- meaning many customers click on your advert link, but none follow through with a subscription or purchase a product.
An ideal situation is when your conversion rate is high- meaning that your CTA is compelling and moves the customers to follow through. Moreover, your client’s vision for their online campaigns is a higher conversion rate and increased traffic to their specific websites. Your PPC dashboard will indicate all the above information to guide you throughout the campaign.
The number of people you reach with your online campaigns is the impressions. Typically, this number alone cannot determine your camping’s overall success. However, it is a key performance indicator when analyzed alongside the click-through rate and the conversion rate. For example, if your conversion rate is high, but the impressions’ numbers are still lagging, it means you should devise means to reach more people with your advertisement.
The internet has billions of users, and there is no reason you shouldn’t strive to reach as many of them as possible on behalf of your client. There is truly no limit to the amount of success an online campaign can attain. Furthermore, the impressions provide the actionable insight needed to make the necessary changes to increase the scope of a business.
After all, the more people come across your campaign, the higher the chances of conversion rate. So, naturally, a larger market increases the number of responses to the CTA. Ultimately, growing impressions guarantee an increase in all aspects of a PPC campaign.
Clicks are the cornerstone of PPC campaigns. If customers don’t click on your Google Ads, you have no use for them. This fact is because the pay-per-click campaign system fundamentally relies on the number of people who click on the Ads as the key performance indicator. Not to mention, you don’t get conversions without clicks on your advert.
Nonetheless, it is safe to say that clicks alone do not determine the success of your campaign, but they do indicate the level of interest customers have about it in the initial stages. Ergo, if a campaign does not receive the projected attention, leave it and invest in more successful ones on other platforms. In the end, you need more clicks to generate profits and revenue for your clients.
Click-through Rate
There is a common confusion between the click-through rate and the conversion rate. The CTR is the percentage of dividing the number of clicks and number of impressions. Of course, the impressions are the number of people seeing your Ads, and the clicks are the ones actively clicking on them. The customers that click these Ads will not automatically make a purchase.
The click-through rate will then determine the conversion rate. For instance, if you have a high CRT but low conversion rate, it means that your call-to-action needs adjustments because you didn’t persuade your customers enough to make a purchase or subscribe to your clients’ business newsletter. Moreover, your advertisement might target a broad audience rather than people who genuinely need your client’s services and products.
View-through Conversion
This concept is a relatively new key performance indicator in the field of PPC marketing. Mostly the impressions that dint turn to either clicks or conversions were usually ignored. However, now the customers that see an advertisement avoid clicking it, then come a month later and convert.
In the past, there was no record for such conversions, especially in display Ads. Since display Ads has a relatively low click-through rate, it is daunting to determine their success rate. As a result, view-through conversions are the newest innovative key performance indicator for such adverts.
So, depending on the progress of these display Ads, you can determine the right platform to use for maximum conversion rates for your campaigns.
Final Thoughts
In summary, a successful campaign meets the client’s needs while sticking within the allocated budget. Furthermore, these campaigns should generate enough conversions to at least cover the initial costs and, if possible, make some profit. But, of course, if a campaign is not causing any of the above, you are at liberty To trade it in for a better option.