Most entrepreneurs will understand just how important it is to have a reliable website. A business’ website is the first thing that customers and prospective customers will see. For that reason, it is an incredibly important part of their marketing campaign. So not only should businesses have an interesting website that represents the brand, but they should also make sure that it is user friendly.

Tree testing helps website developers and managers, as well as business owners to ensure that everything is working properly on the website and that the user experience is the best it could possibly be to represent the brand properly.

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Here are some of the best qualities your website should have in order to fulfil those marketing needs.

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Generating Leads

Leads are one of the most important metrics to look out for. If businesses just look at their sales and incoming clients then they may find that there is no real growth compared to their previous website. They will then need to ask the question as to whether their website is doing what it needs to do or if it needs a little work. To ensure that a website generates more leads, businesses need to ensure that it is set up to do so. This may mean changing around a few elements or making the whole thing more attractive for visitors who will want to be involved in the business.

Attractive Design

For businesses to get as much out of their website as possible, it also needs to look the part. The design needs to be consistent with business branding- so using the same colour palette associated with the company, same fonts, and generally supporting the business ethos.

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Websites that look attractive are often considered to be more trusted by customers and potential new customers. They also reflect the image of businesses and most businesses strive to have an online presence that does this effectively.

Easy to Use

The user experience is one of the most important aspects of any business website. The reason for this is that if somebody struggles to find their way around, then they are likely to leave, never to return again.

Websites should have navigation menus that are easy to use and find. The website’s overall layout should be clean and make the most sense for the user’s overall experience. Things like flash animations or other heavy scripts use to slow down the page load times. Slow downloading websites are one of the primary reasons that people leave within a matter of seconds, also known as increased ‘bounce rates’.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is one of the aspects of marketing that should be on top priority for business owners. Having up to date SEO knowledge help to lead more people toward a website as they appear close to the top of a SERP.

There are many ways to approach SEO for businesses, but using a specialist agency is never a bad idea. Specialists can be used to help to improve rankings and dramatically improve marketing potential.

Leona Zoey
Leona Zoey

Leona Zoey is a freelance writer, she focuses on tech, business and marketing.