Increase Your Sales By Making Your Prospect “Nervous”
by Bill Glazer
Have you ever had a brief encounter with somebody famous? Almost everybody has at least once in their life. How did you feel? Excited? But maybe also a bit tongue-tied and nervous?
To at least some degree, you too can and should be creating this same kind of feeling in the minds of your customers and prospects. How? By getting yourself and your business written-up in newspapers, magazines and trade publications as well as featured on radio/TV shows. You don’t have to be a household name to easily cultivate more celebrity status in your industry or niche. Once your prospect sees you as a THE expert, their skeptical faces will turn into bright smiles. They’ll feel excited to meet you, maybe even nervous. That’s a good thing.
Publicity establishes you in the minds of your customers and prospects as somebody special. They feel like they know you. They trust you. Consequently, they buy from you. Fame is power.
Five Ways To Use Publicity in Your Small Business Marketing
But this kind of “fame effect” is not just created by getting publicity. It’s also created by USING your publicity once you have it. Even coverage in dinky newspapers and on small town radio stations can be used as powerful small business marketing tools. Here are some proven strategies for leveraging your publicity.
Frame articles written about you and mount them on the walls of your office/store. When customers read them, you’ll instantly be elevated in their minds. They’ll figure if the media chose to feature you, it must be because you’re good at what you do.
Send your prospects copies of articles written about you. A real estate agent who used my techniques to get written-up in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Philadelphia Inquirer sends a collection of articles to prospective clients thinking of listing their luxury properties with him. This added credibility has helped him close many listings.
Send a CD of a radio interview or a DVD of a TV interview to your prospects/customers as a sales tool.
Instead of music on hold, put a recording of a good radio interview you did.
Put your publicity (or quote it) in your promotional literature and website. Some of the most persuasive testimonials you can run are from media because people look at them as unbiased.
Bert Martinez is giving away his #1 Best Selling Program, Publicity Success Guide, for FREE! Claim your copy of “Publicity Success Guide” now. Click here.