“The Hope Coach”

Tawana Williams was the victim of brutal medical negligence. During pregnancy, her mother was given a drug. As a result, Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her legs. That sounds pretty bad, but worse was yet to come. Tawana experienced rape, even by her own step-father. She was addicted to crack and cocaine for a decade.  Now, if you were in her shoes, at what point in her story would you have given up?

But Tawana decided that she no longer wanted to make any excuses for herself. She is known as “the Hope Coach” and she’s teaching people all over the world how to live a life with “No More Excuses.”  Visit her website > here




I interviewed Tawana on my show Money For Lunch and then I featured her story in my book Dominating Your Mind, just go to DominatingYourMind.com

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