Starting your own company is notoriously difficult. Indeed, aspiring entrepreneurs are probably already aware that half of all small businesses fail within their first five years. Worse, only a [...]
Author of Door-to-Door Millionaire: Secrets of Making the Sale and CEO of D2D Millionaire and Rove Pest Control. Lenny is a legend in the door-to-door sales industry. He started selling door to [...]
Phuong Uyen Tran, author of Competing with Giants (, is deputy CEO of the THP Beverage Group, a leading beverage company in Vietnam that was founded by her father. She [...]
Gregg L. Witt is a renowned youth marketing strategist and generational expert, author and public speaker. He has spent 17 years in consumer insights, media and youth marketing and is currently [...]
Johnny Quach is currently AirHelp’s Chief Product Officer. Since his start, Johnny has working passionately to expand the product team, build a growth culture, and increase AirHelp’s overall [...]
Even before your first day of business, you will have your hands full with managing a long list of big and small tasks. While you’re running helter-skelter to put your dream together, this [...]
Steven L. Blue is an internationally-recognized expert in transforming rust-belt companies into high-tech powerhouses using his proven formula of igniting Innovational Potential®. He is the CEO [...]