Profiles of Success Interview with Allison De Paoli

 In Business

Who are your biggest influences and people you admire and why?

I think you can learn something – even if it is what not to do – from almost anyone and I try to be open to that. Professionally, I like people that speak truth to power.

Name a person who helped you along the way?

Just one.. impossible. Most recently, I owe a very special thank you to Craig Lack and John Sbrocco. They have each gone above and in helping me Just DO.

What do you see as your greatest success in life, so far?

Getting my promised results for clients, repeatedly. They are amazed. And I am thrilled.

How can people contact you? or at 210-617-3086.

What book would you recommend and why?

Anything by Malcolm Gladwell… but specifically Outliers.

How do you deal with fear?

You can’t let it rule you, but you should respect it. It is often a very good indicator of what you should do next so I pay close attention to what scares me the most.

What’s a personal self-talk, mantra, affirmation or self-belief that contributes to your success?

You haven’t done that… yet

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